There are ways to help us screen our thoughts. Just because you have a thought doesn’t mean it came from you!

Remember that the devil is the father of all lies. If a thought you have is bad, or its intent is to steal from you in some way, we can be sure that it is from the devil. Because we know the devil is a liar, whatever he tells us about ourselves, we know the complete opposite is true.

If it is good thought (to bless, heal or prosper you), it is definitely from God. His thoughts toward you are always to bless you.

If it is an ugly thought (mean, impatient, or selfish), it is most likely the work of the flesh. This can be controlled by renewing our minds. We renew our mind by reading the Word of God, and once we do that we are enabled to tame the flesh!


For More Insight Into This Topic

John 10:10
Jeremiah 11:29
Romans 12:1-2